Projects By Reid

Trick Ski Calculator

Created an app to help 3-event skiiers calculate their score for the Trick Ski event. Currently you'll need to know some of the trick scores to calculate your score. But hoping to make it into a teaching tool for those just starting off with the sport.

This is my very first app on the App Store! I created it with React Native so I can deploy to IOS, Android, and the Web with a single code base. Appreciate any feedback or improvments that you would like to see, you can send it into [email protected]

Trick Ski


Created a clothes brand for a Wearable Tech course @ Madison. Worked with Ariella Rusoff to create a NFC enabled hoodie equipped with heated pockets and a phone charger…. aka a tech hoodie we named the College Dropout.

This was a blast to work on. I incorporated all of the tech, and Ariella focused on making the rad design that incorporated tech into the fabric. She also sewed the sweatshirt and even more impressively taught me how to sew so I can make my own College Dropout sweatshirt!

Stitch Poster


SWISS is a tool that helps UW Madison students make informed decisions on their course selection. This project was created for my Software Engineering course where I served as Product Owner and Scrum Master for my team.

Outsides of those roles, I worked mainly on creating automated testing and a web scraper to collect course/professor information. I created automated tests with Django's testing framework. Testing coverage was calculated using Automated tests were ran through GitHub Actions.

Created the web scrapper using Scrapy. Scraped over 9,000 courses to create our course database.

  • Check out the project demo video here: SWISS Demo

HackMIT 2020 - Lobby

Lobby is a group finding app that allows you to form groups quickly using video game inspired groups/lobbies.

I created this project along with three others at HackMIT 2020. Lobby was created with React on the frontend and using Google Firebase and Authentication for our backend.

Lobby Homepage

Stock Trading Robot

Ran on Linux system using Python and Alpaca API to make trades and record data.

After joining the Stock Market with the Robinhood app. I thought it would be fun to have completely quanititative decisions on what options to trade over my very qualitative biased choices on Robinhood. That and the idea of leaving this robot to trade in the background over time on its own intrested me. This is still in its very early phase and in the future I hope to better automate the process of displaying portfolio history, trade on a paper and live market, and improve the trading algorithm as I learn more about the stock market.

AI Tic-Tac-Toe

AI Tic-Tac-Toe

After taking my "Intro to AI" course at UW-Madison I wanted to test what I've learned to make AI opponents in games. I wanted to start off with an easier game that did not have to many game states so I started with Tic-Tac-Toe. I wrote this AI using a Min-Max Algorithm and it can not lose (Will either win or tie). Try it out below and prove me wrong!

I created this web app using React.

AI Tic-Tac-Toe

Original Water Trick Ski Calculator

With the only know way to calculate a trick run was booting up a program created in BASIC then having to create a fake tournament equipped with boats, skiiers, ski site, etc. I decided to create an accessable web version so people without to much knowledge of competitive 3-event skiing can test out different trick runs before they hit the water.

I learned React to create this web app

Note: I've since updated this project with React Native so I can release it as an IPhone and Android app. Check it out here

  • Try it out: Trick Calculator
  • (Currently broken)
  • GitHub Repo
trick ski flip

Drip Detective

Was created with my friend Mark for MadHacks Carbon 2019, the Hackathon had a focus on hacks that promoted sustainable living.

I mainly worked on implementing the Google Firebase SDK through JavaScript. I went into the project not knowing anything about Firebase, and was happy to leave the project knowing how to use a database to make an account login system to store data on users

Reid and Mark


As you may have read in the homepage description, ReidHub is a way to share some of the nifty creative projects I've been working on. Style inspiration from

ReidHub Homepage